Introduction Our Values We believe values create value. At Salesforce, our core values guide everything we do. We also believe that aligning to shared values is the strongest way to start a successful partnership. Our Success Ecosystem relies on our core values to drive successful outcomes with our customers: • Trust. Your success is our success. We are committed and accountable to your success, so you can trust us to help you achieve your goals. • Customer success. Everything we do, and every expert in our ecosystem, is dedicated to helping you achieve success, every day. • Innovation. Salesforce powers the world’s most innovative companies, and we share the insights and best practices from those cutting-edge implementations across our ecosystem. • Equality. Every customer benefits from our ecosystem’s accumulated knowledge and expertise — and we’ll guide you to the right always-on resources, so every customer has the tools to see value with Salesforce. 3 SALESFORCE CUSTOMER SUCCESS

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