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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS UNQUANTIFIED BENEFITS Interviewees mentioned the following additional Leveraging The Intelligence Of benefits that their organizations experienced but were Einstein not quantified for this study: • Positive impacts on employee experience. Brands that successfully harness the power of AI can not only create a unique customer Interviewees noted several ways in which experience (CX) in the moment but can also Marketing Cloud helped improve employee identify and be prepared to deliver the next best experience, including: action. ▪ Upskilling team members. Interviewees Three of the five interviewees specifically considered the Salesforce skillset and mentioned the value of having the Salesforce fluency a valuable strength for their solution’s artificial intelligence capability, marketers to develop. In particular, the Einstein, integrated throughout their marketing Trailblazer Community was mentioned as technology (martech) stack: an important resource in maximizing the investment in Marketing Cloud. The • The marketing manager in the retail marketing manager in the retail industry industry shared: “Through Einstein shared, “The Trailblazer Community Analytics, we found that subscribers support system has really been a great became saturated with the sends at the benefit for me.” end of the journey. We have decreased the number of sends by two for a key ▪ Collaborative digital work journey campaign.” environment: The chief marketing officer • The director of marketing operations at and their team at the HLS company the digital marketing provider reported: welcomed the increased ability to “We onboarded Einstein Behavior Score collaborate with Marketing Cloud. They for scoring and grading. It’s helpful shared, “It’s nice that everything is digital because you’re not guessing at a and online, which is beneficial because behavior score with the methodology, we have implemented a hybrid work it’s using AI to come up with a 0 to 100 model.” score. The score is recalculated as time goes on, and we’re able to service that ▪ Ease of use: The marketing manager in to our reps. We also make marketing the retail industry came from a franchised decisions based on the score.” organization in which the individual store • The president of digital experiences in resources have little to no marketing the retail industry noted: “We’re leaning capacity. They shared: “One of the into Salesforce to get more out of our biggest benefits of using Marketing Cloud martech stack. We’re leveraging is that it is pretty user friendly for a Einstein AI to do better work within the nontechnical person to be able to follow platform. Then we further integrate the instructions.” Marketing Cloud into other solutions.” THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 23

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 25 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 24 Page 26