Special Report 07Workplace Equality Influences 13 Employee Engagement It is evident that when companies focuson creating a Employees Are Proud to Work for Companies That Are culture of equality, those efforts have a positive effect Committed to Equality on employees and the work that they do. Employee engagement is an important factor in recruitment and A commitment to equality positively impacts employee morale. Employees feel proud retention, and can be a key differentiator to best position to work for companies that stand for equal rights, foster inclusion, provide equal companies to win the war for talent. opportunities, and care about closing the gender pay gap. Employees are more likely to take pride in working for Percentage of Employees Who Agree/Disagree their company when the company is taking steps toward with the Following Statements and Say They’re Agree vs. equality. For example, among those who say their Proud to Work for Their Company Disagree company cares about closing the gender pay gap, 75% also say they’re proud to work for their company. In My company cares about 75% 2.2x contrast, at companies where employees don’t feel like closing the gender pay gap 34% more likely their company cares about closing the pay gap, only 34% are proud to work there. I’m able to be my authentic 74% 2.8x self at work 26% more likely My company positively 73% 3.0x Employees Feel They Can Be Their Authentic impacts our community 24% more likely Self at Work vs. Those Who Don’t 2.8X more likely to say they’re My company fosters an 70% 2.4x proud to work for their company inclusive culture 30% more likely My company provides equal 75% 3.8x opportunities for employees 20% more likely Agree + proud to work for my company Disagree + proud to work for my company Salesforce Research

The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business - Page 13 The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business Page 12 Page 14