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Special Report 08Inclusive Culture Boosts 14 Employee Productivity Beyond employee pride, feeling included, heard, and Employees Perform Their Best Work in an supported at work has an impact on employee productivity Inclusive Environment and success. When employees feel accepted and comfortable at work, they also feel empowered to Employees are more productive when they feel they belong, are heard, and are able perform better. to be their authentic self at work. For example, among those who feel they belong at their company, 73% say they are empowered to perform their best work. Overall, only 36% of business professionals report that they feel empowered to perform their best Percentage of Employees Who Agree/Disagree with work. However, when inclusion factors are present, this the Following Statements and Say They Feel Empowered Agree vs. number noticeably increases. to Perform Their Best Work Disagree I feel my voice is heard 73% 4.6x at work 16% more likely Employees Who Feel a Sense of Belongingness at Their Company vs. Those Who Don’t I feel like I belong at 73% 5.3x 5.3X more likely to feel empowered to my company 14% more likely perform their best work I’m able to be my 70% 4.4x authentic self at work 16% more likely My company fosters 64% 3.2x an inclusive culture 20% more likely My company cares about 67% 2.6x closing the gender pay gap 26% more likely Agree + empowered to perform my best work Disagree + empowered to perform my best work Salesforce Research

The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business - Page 14 The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business Page 13 Page 15