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06Inequality Persists in Today’s Special RSpecial Reporeportt 1212 Business Culture As values driven business leaders move to become active Businesses Have More to Do to Achieve Workplace Equality pioneers both in society and their workplaces, they are carrying with them an added imperative to foster a Providing equal opportunities for all is a key component of achieving equality in the culture of equality in their companies. When employees workplace. A focus on inclusion and pay can help create equal opportunities. However, are given equal opportunities, feel heard at work, and are business professionals see considerable room for improvement. comfortable being their authentic selves, their morale and productivity increase. For example, of those who say Percentage of Business Professionals Who Believe the Following their company provides equal opportunities, 65% My company provides equal say they are proud to work for their company. opportunity for employees 51% My company actively works Yet, workplace inequality gaps remain a persistent to be more diverse 36% issue. Nearly half (49%) of business professionals My company fosters an don’t believe their companies provide equal inclusive culture 36% opportunities for employees. To bridge this divide, businesses can do more to focus on the gender pay My company cares about gap and inclusion. Eighty percent of business professionals closing the gender pay gap 25% who say their company fosters a culture of inclusion and 43% who say their company cares about closing the gender pay gap also say their company provides equal opportunities. Salesforce Research

The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business - Page 12 The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business Page 11 Page 13