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Special Report 09Business Leaders Prepare to 15 Address Equality Gaps Many business leaders understand the urgency of taking Executives Recognize the Rising Importance of Active an active approach to closing equality gaps in their Leadership in Equality organizations. In a recent summit on the future of work and leadership, 11 of 14 senior executives surveyed said Salesforce surveyed senior executives at the 2017 New York Times New Work Summit. that compared to two years ago, it’s become more Of 14 senior executives, 11 said that compared to two years ago, it’s become much important for them to promote equality. more or somewhat more important to their company culture to promote equality.* Business leaders who show active leadership in advocating workplace equality are demonstrating to customers and employees alike that their company authentically stands for change. * Findings from the 2017 New York Times New Work Summit survey, Salesforce Research, Spring 2017. SalesfoSalesforrccee RReeseasearrcchh SalesforSalesforcce Re Researesearchch

The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business - Page 15 The Impact of Equality and Values Driven Business Page 14 Page 16