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2. How AI can save marketers time: Predictive AI Generative AI 1 Lead scoring. Remove the work of maintaining a 1 Copy and design. Use AI to create first drafts of email scoring and grading rubric by identifying leads that and landing page copy and design, which you can edit are most likely to convert to closed-won, based on and modify as needed. how closely they look like your current customers. 2 Personalization at scale. Build personalized 2 Account scoring. Take the guesswork out of surfacing customer journeys and offer recommendations based top accounts when planning ABM campaigns. on real-time customer profiles. 3 Personalized send times. Identify when 3 Campaign briefs. Save time and take the manual work a customer is most likely to interact with your emails out of filling out campaign briefs. based on past behavior, and then personalize email send times. 4 Segment generation. Build out customer segments that best fit your campaign and outreach. 4 Suppression lists. Identify customers who might be oversaturated with email messaging and then dial down the number of messages they receive.

The B2B Marketer's Guide to Winning Customers and Providing Success - Page 10 The B2B Marketer's Guide to Winning Customers and Providing Success Page 9 Page 11