State of the Connected Customer 03 Technology Sets New Benchmarks for Innovation 17 Most customers believe that these technologies The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is in Full Swing — and the differentiated experiences they produce — will transform their interactions with Percentage of Customers Who Believe the Following Technologies companies in the very near term. Will Transform Their Expectations of Companies In fact, a majority of customers say their Already transformed Actively transforming Will transform within five years expectations are already impacted by Sum up-and-coming technologies like the IoT (60%), voice-activated personal assistants Cybersecurity 20% 44% 23% 87% (59%), and AI (51%). A nod to the role of trust in today’s customer dynamic, 64% Artificial intelligence (AI) say cybersecurity is transforming their 14% 37% 36% 87% expectations. Even blockchain, which puts up the lowest numbers, is expected to pack Internet of Things (IoT) 20% 40% 26% 86% a punch; 41% of customers say it has or is actively transforming their expectations. Cloud computing 29% 39% 18% 86% On average, 56% of consumers say a given technology is transforming their expectations. Voice-activated personal assistants 20% 38% 25% 84% That figure rises to 63% for business buyers, who are more likely to experience an impact Virtual/augmented reality 15% 34% 28% 78% from virtual/augmented reality (54%), cryptocurrencies (50%), and blockchain (51%), in particular. Chatbots 15% 35% 27% 77% Blockchain 11% 30% 31% 72% Cryptocurrencies 14% 30% 27% 71% Not a complete list. See appendix page 49 for full data, including all customer, consumer, and business buyer segmentations. Percents may not add to the sum total due to rounding. SalesforSalesforcce Re Researesearchch

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