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SPOTLIGHT StaStatte oe of the Cf the Conneconnectted Ced Cuuststomeromer 1818 Customers Have a Bright Outlook on AI AI is often portrayed as something out AI-Driven Experiences Are Winning Customers Over of a science fiction novel, yet, customers have come to like — or even love — a variety Percentage of Customers Who Love or Like the Following of everyday technologies that would be impossible without AI. Credit card fraud Love Like detection, email spam filters, and automatic Sum reminders are among the most popular AI use cases. More than half of customers Credit card fraud detection 86% have grown fond of voice-activated personal 46% 40% assistants like Siri or Alexa. Other uses, like self-driving cars, are viewed with Email spam filters 34% 46% 81% less enthusiasm. Automatic reminders 27% 49% 76% 59% of customers are open to companies Predictive traffic alerts 21% 48% 70% using AI to improve Predictive text their experiences. 19% 43% 62% Smart thermostats 20% 40% 60% Sixty-seven percent of customers recognize the good that can come from AI, and 61% Mobile check deposit 23% 36% 58% believe the technology presents positive opportunities for society. Yet, customer trust is a delicate thing; 31% of customers are wary Personalized recommendations 16% 40% 56% of companies’ use of new technologies. Thus, educating customers about the technology Voice-activated personal assistants 20% 33% 53% will be critical as companies explore new ways to differentiate with AI. Predictive image categorization 15% 35% 50% Self-driving cars 17% 29% 46% See appendix page 50 for generational segmentations. Base excludes respondents who said “Don’t Know” for each technology. Percents may not add to the sum total due to rounding. Salesforce Research Salesforce Research

State of  the Connected Customer - Page 18 State of the Connected Customer Page 17 Page 19