02Shifting Priorities Spark Organizational Change State of Marketing 15 Beyond influencing changes within marketing, Marketing’s Place in the Broader Organization Is Also Shifting customer journey strategies are upending marketing’s role in the broader business. Top teams are happier with the collaboration between marketing and other departments Sixty-four percent of marketing leaders (e.g., sales, service, IT). believe customer journey strategies require organizational shifts — for example, redefining how sales, service, and marketing teams work together. 93% High performers are happier with the level of collaboration between their marketing team and other departments. They’re likewise 3x more likely than underperformers to extensively use CRM tools. High Performers vs. Underperformers While 73% of marketers with a CRM system High performers use it for a shared customer view between their 3.7x Moderate performers service and sales teams, more than a quarter more likely to say they’re extremely 25% Underperformers don’t — creating a rift in how those teams view or very satisfied with their their customer data, and ultimately hindering collaboration with other departments their ability to drive a cohesive customer journey across departments. 60% Salesforce Research

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