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02Shifting Priorities Spark Organizational Change State of Marketing 16 Digging deeper into the collaboration habits of Top Marketers Align Closely with Sales Teams high performers, they’re at least twice as likely as underperformers to align with sales teams in a Given that top teams’ number one challenge to creating a customer experience is getting a shared, variety of ways. For top teams, this alignment single view of the customer, the need for marketing and sales alignment is at a peak. starts by being empowered to collaborate with sales, sharing common goals and metrics, and Percentage of Marketing Leaders Who Strongly Agree or Agree understanding how their efforts impact individual High Performers vs. accounts and customers. with the Following Statements about Their Relationships with Sales Underperformers I understand how marketing’s efforts 92% 2.0x Winning marketing teams keep close tabs on impact individual accounts/customers 70% more likely their sales counterparts’ needs, and value two- 45% way communication. High performers are 90% 2.2x more likely than underperformers to say Marketing consistently provides 70% 2.2x marketing consistently provides sales with quality sales with quality leads 41% more likely leads — and 2.1x more likely to say sales regularly 91% provides key insights that shape marketing efforts. Marketing and sales are 69% 2.0x empowered to collaborate 45% more likely Marketing and sales share 91% 2.1x common goals and metrics 69% more likely 42% Marketing understands what 89% 2.0x sales needs to succeed 68% more likely 45% 91% Sales regularly provides key insights 67% 2.1x that shape marketing efforts 43% more likely Marketing shares data insights 90% (e.g., channel usage, campaign 67% 2.1x effectiveness) 42% more likely High performers Moderate performers Underperformers Salesforce Research

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