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02Shifting Priorities Spark Organizational Change State of Marketing 14 Marketers’ tectonic shift toward customer Marketing Roles Are Transforming to Reflect Customer Focus experience is having a ripple effect on roles within the marketing department. Over the past High performers realize that traditional marketing roles may not meet heightened 12–18 months, 61% of marketers say they’ve customer demands, and are more likely to make the necessary changes. become more focused on evolving from a traditional marketing structure to roles aligned with a customer journey strategy. Recent years Percentage of Marketing Leaders Who High Performers vs. have introduced a slew of new positions, ranging Strongly Agree or Agree with the Following Underperformers from “customer experience analyst” to “lifecycle Our business is aligning marketing marketing manager.” roles to a customer journey strategy 89% vs. traditional roles (e.g., by marketing 62% 2.4x Fifty-nine percent of marketing leaders say that channel/function) 37% more likely traditional marketing roles limit their ability to engage customers. Top marketing teams are High performers Moderate performers Underperformers more apt to recognize this need for organizational change, and are 2.2x more likely to feel limited by traditional roles. Percentage of Marketing Leaders Who Are High Performers vs. Extremely or Very Satisfied with the Following Underperformers 89% of top teams are aligning Ability to engage customers 60% 95% 4.4x marketing roles to a customer journey across channels at scale 22% more likely strategy. High performers Moderate performers Underperformers Coincidentally, high performers are also 4.4x more likely than underperformers to be satisfied with their ability to engage customers across channels at scale. Salesforce Research

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