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State of IT in Europe 06 Data Unification Is Key to a Shared Customer View 12 Technology is increasingly fundamental to Top European IT Teams Place a Premium on Unified Customer Data interactions between customers and public- High-performing European IT teams prioritise the integration of customer data into a single, facing business units such as sales, service, and shared view of the customer across business units. marketing. That’s why unifying the customer data that companies store across different units is a growing priority for businesses. High performers Over half of the high-performing European IT Moderate performers leaders have integrated 75% or more of their data, compared to just 21% of underperformers. Underperformers But the majority of sales and service leaders in Europe (75% and 76%, respectively) believe it is critical or very important to have a shared, High-Performing vs. single view of the customer across the business.* Underperforming European IT Leaders In order to achieve the consistent customer 21% experience that today’s connected consumer 2.7x desires, across media and across business units, every employee needs to be able to see the same view of the customer. Whether they’re talking on more likely to have integrated the phone or in-person, or connecting via website, 75% or more of their 30% social or mobile app, employees need an overview data sources for a single of each customer’s needs and history to deliver view of customer data a unified, top-quality customer experience. across business units 57% Salesforce Research “State of Sales,” and “State of Service,” Salesforce Research, 2016–2017.

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