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State of IT in Europe 07 Speed Is IT’s Goal and Struggle 13 Speed has long been a top priority for IT and Skill Gaps Hamper Development Speed and More continues to be one of its thorniest challenges. Skills shortages are driving European IT leaders to find innovative solutions Developing and testing new products, services, to improve the speed of app development. technologies and apps — while also keeping the backroom running — takes time and skill. Speed of project or app delivery is one of the most Percentage of European IT Organizations That Are Currently Experiencing important KPIs for European IT teams, second only or Anticipate Skills Gaps in the Following Areas to data security metrics. More than two-thirds 21% 22% 40% of European IT leaders (70%) say improving Full-stack development the speed of development cycles is a critical or high priority over the next 12–18 months. But Internet of Things (IoT)/ 26% 22% 35% it’s not an easy task when the pace of change in connected devices technology is lightning fast. That means that the 28% 20% 34% skill sets of today may not match what’s needed Data science tomorrow — and there’s already an IT skills shortage. 26% 21% 34% For example, the vast majority (82%) of European Mobile development IT leaders are currently experiencing or expect Development operations 22% 23% 36% to experience a skills gap in IoT/connected (DevOps) devices within two years. The figures are similar in areas like full-stack development, in which Application programming interfaces 25% 21% 34% 83% are currently experiencing or expect to (APIs)/systems integration experience a skills gap within two years. 27% 19% 33% Security 22% 22% 35% Business domain knowledge Current short-term skill gap Current skill gap that is also Not current skill gap, but No skill gap anticipated to continue anticipated within two years Salesforce Research

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