CHAPTER SEvEN seven Be better at social media. A 2015 study from the Content Marketing Institute uses six social media platforms — but keep in mind and MarketingProfs found that 92% of B2B that whichever platforms you choose to leverage, it’s companies are using social media — but most crucial to remain active. You’re better off using a couple struggle with measuring its value for their business. different channels very effectively than spreading your Of course, there are plenty of qualitative benefits of resources too thin across every social media platform social media. for example, it enables companies to out there. receive instant feedback about their products and services, source content ideas, gain competitive PLAn YOUR STRATeGY insight, and, most importantly, show their customers Consider your capabilities. Do you have one (or more) they care by quickly responding to their ideas and employees who can dedicate themselves full-time concerns. to social media? If not, how will you delegate social But how can you be sure you’re making the most responsibilities? Consider your budget as well. Do you of social media and getting a measurable return on plan on investing in paid social in addition to organic your investment? In this chapter, we’ll give you the posts? Would it benefit you to purchase a robust social resources you need to build a successful social media media tool, or will free tools get the job done? strategy from the ground up, or to improve the Create a schedule. Test a few different posting cadences strategy you already have in place. to determine the optimal posting frequency for your PICK YOUR PLATfORMS audience, and make sure you’re scheduling posts (through a marketing automation platform, from within It’s important to understand who your audience the social platform itself, or using another social tool) to is and what they expect from each social media go out even when you’re not in the office. channel. CMI found that the average B2B company 64 / Pardot

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