Source your content. Decide what kind of content you’ll be posting. You’ll likely want to post ungated content (like infographics and blog posts) to drive engagement as well as gated content (such as a white paper behind a form) to generate leads. It’s also important to post content from other sources so you don’t come across as overly promotional. Implement social listening. Social listening is simply monitoring social media to stay up-to-date with your industry and your client base. Choose a social listening tool (like Salesforce Social Studio or TweetDeck) and set up streams of Tweets that mention specific keywords relevant to your company, your competitors, and your industry. The social listening worksheet at the end of this chapter will help you brainstorm which keywords to monitor so you can follow a steady, focused stream of GeT MORe vALUe OUT conversations that matter to you. Of SOCIAL. Stay on brand. Create a documented social media Learn more about social media tactics policy that aligns with your branding and your specifically for B2B businesses in our Best content strategy to maintain a consistent online Practices Guide to Social Media. presence. An official policy gives you more control over your company’s public image, and defining what is and isn’t appropriate can make your employees feel more confident about social sharing. GET FREE E-BOOK BUILD A fOLLOWInG Your audience is already using social media; it’s just a matter of connecting with them. You can do this in several different ways:

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