Use your website. Link to your social media profiles Invest in ads. The extensive data gathered by social in the header or footer of your website and on your media platforms allows marketers to run highly Contact Us page. targeted ad campaigns that can help you grow your audience and generate leads. Activate your employees. Ask your employees to link to your company’s social profiles in their email Engage with influencers. By engaging industry signatures and Twitter bios, and encourage them to influencers on social media, you have the opportunity join the conversation! Jay Baer, President of Convince to connect with their networks in addition to your & Convert, sees employees as a valuable distribution own. not sure how to identify influencers? Try channel for content, especially for B2B: “employees monitoring relevant keywords on Twitter to see who’s have more engagement and trust than company influential in those topics, searching Twitter lists for channels ever do. Get your employees to participate industry experts, or browsing topic experts on Klout. in social media, and you’ll get a powerful distribution channel in return.” Once you’ve identified your influencers, it’s time to engage them. Keep the first two weeks strictly Cross-post. If you already have a large following on one to passive engagement. Retweet them and share social network, use it as a platform to promote your their content so they recognize you as a consistent other profiles. Just be sure to do this sparingly; you follower. Then, make your pitch. Ask them to share don’t want to spam your followers with too much self- something of yours that their followers will enjoy, promotion. and be sure to thank them when they do. Use the influencer worksheets at the end of this chapter to Join communities. Join — or better yet, create — active coordinate your strategy. communities on social media that your ideal buyers are likely to be part of. LinkedIn groups, Google+ SeT (AnD ReACH!) GOALS communities, facebook Groups, Pinterest group Take the time to sit down and map out some social boards, and online message boards are all great places media goals so you can prove that your strategy is to connect with your audience. In fact, Oktopost found successful — or learn what isn’t successful and work that 86% of social media conversions occur within to improve it. social media communities rather than on company or personal profiles. 66 / Pardot

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