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CHAPTER SIx six Be better at webinars and events. events have always been a crucial component of B2B eXeCUTInG SUCCeSSfUL WeBInARS marketing, and that certainly hasn’t changed in the AnD evenTS Internet age. In fact, Regalix reports that 91% of B2B marketers currently invest in event marketing. Instead 1. Plan your strategy. The types of events your of eclipsing traditional events, digital marketing has company invests in will differ depending on your opened up new opportunities for marketers, such as goals. for example, a small business hoping to webinars, virtual trade shows, and unique avenues for establish a foothold in their industry may want to event promotion. Whether you’re hosting a webinar, operate booths at popular trade shows. A company sponsoring a conference, or manning a booth at a struggling with customer training, on the other hand, trade show, the following chapter will help you make may want to host a series of educational webinars. the most of your B2B marketing events. While in-person events are ideal for face-to-face, personalized interactions, webinars and virtual WHY WeBInARS AnD evenTS? events give you the ability to reach a large audience According to the same study by Regalix, 96% of right from your desk. B2B marketers say that event marketing accelerates lead generation and grows the sales pipeline. If More than likely, your ideal strategy will include that’s not impressive enough, consider that events a combination of in-person and virtual events and webinars are excellent avenues for showcasing that focus on prospecting, training, and thought your thought leadership, nurturing relationships with leadership. Once you’ve determined which types of prospective and current customers, and enabling events are right for you, take a look at the planning customers to make the most out of your products worksheets at the end of this chapter to organize and services. your strategy and ensure that your events go seamlessly. 55 / Pardot

Salesforce: The Complete Guide to B2B Marketing Page 54 Page 56