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from trade show attendees. This system can of your event presence. In addition, be sure to work, but it requires a lot of tedious, manual data record how well you performed against the goals entry that just isn’t necessary — not to mention you set in the planning process. the fact that it can make your company look out-of-touch. fortunately, marketing automation 5. Follow up with your leads. According to CeIR, makes it easy to set up a landing page to collect 80% of businesses don’t follow up with leads information from leads who visit booth. You can generated at trade shows. That’s an enormous then tie your in-person interactions with those missed opportunity! It doesn’t matter how many leads to their online activities. hands you shake if you’re not truly connecting with anyone. Use your marketing automation • Amplify the conversation. Live streaming platform to assign leads to your sales reps and posting on social media during an event for follow-up, and begin nurturing them with increases your reach and allows non-attendees relevant post-event information using drip to join in the fun. At the end of this chapter, campaigns. we’ve provided worksheets to help you get the most out of your live posting strategy. 6. Extend the impact of your event. “events are not just a moment in time; they are content that • Get real-time feedback. Your attendees’ can be used in lots of ways,” says Liz Bigham, feedback is your best resource for improving Senior vice President and Director of Marketing your event strategy — don’t miss this invaluable for Jack Morton Worldwide. Turn your event opportunity! Survey attendees during and after into multiple pieces of content, like blog posts your event to see how you can improve in the and slide decks, that will continue to generate future. engagement and leads for months to come. 4. Measure your success. Because prospects are Ready to start building buzz for your events, webinars, attached to campaigns within your marketing and other marketing campaigns? Check out the next automation system, it’s easy to attribute revenue chapter on social media to learn more about building to its source. With this insight, you can see an effective social outreach program. how many event-generated leads convert to customers and use this data to calculate the ROI 57 / Pardot

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