wORKSHEET FOUR Find Your Perfect Send Time STeP One: DAY Of THe WeeK Analyze send times and open rates from the email campaigns you’ve sent over the past six months and create a quick scatter plot to find the day of the week where your emails have historically seen the best open rates. Use the graph below. (%) __% e T RA __% en __% OP MOnDAY TUeSDAY WeDneSDAY THURSDAY fRIDAY SATURDAY SUnDAY STeP TWO: TIMe Of DAY STeP THRee: now that you’ve found your optimal day of the week to send emails, use this same data SeGMenT to find the best time of day by creating a scatter plot of open rates versus send time. now, try segmenting your lists by time of open (e.g., (%) __% opened between 10:00 e a.m. and 1:00 p.m. versus T RA __% opened between 1:00 p.m. en and 3:00 p.m.), and you’ll be OP __% surprised at how easy it is to determine the best send time for each grouping. 12 AM 4 AM 8 AM 12 PM 4 PM 8 PM 40 / Pardot

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