wORKSHEET FIvE Live Tweeting Events fill out this worksheet before you attend an event so you’re prepared to live-tweet the best quotes and most important moments. evenT SPeCIfICS evenT nAMe: DATeS: nUMBeR Of ATTenDeeS: LOCATIOn: HASHTAGS: SPOnSORS You don’t have to know every event sponsor, but it may be helpful to jot down some of the big names. SPOnSOR: SPOnSOR: SPOnSOR: TWITTeR TWITTeR TWITTeR HAnDLe: HAnDLe: HAnDLe: SPeAKeRS If you know all about the keynotes ahead of time, you’ll be able to seamlessly live-tweet their insights without scrambling to make sure you got their Twitter handles right. SPeAKeR: SPeAKeR: SPeAKeR: TITLe & TITLe & TITLe & COMPAnY: COMPAnY: COMPAnY: TWITTeR TWITTeR TWITTeR HAnDLe: HAnDLe: HAnDLe: 62 / Pardot

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