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Marketing Trends across Financial Services 11 Mobile Leads the Way for Channel Growth Consu mers say banking is one of the most important Top Financial Services Marketing activities they conduct on their mobile devices-seco nd Channels for Anticipated Growth in the GPS navigation. This ranks above access ing even Next 12 Months** only to the weather or news. Additionally, Millennia I Anticipated consumers are 1.8x more likely than other Mobile text messaging (SMS) Growth generations to say that mobile access to stocks and wealth management is absolutely critical.* 60% 23°/o Paid search Given this context, it's easy to see why mobile tops the 65% 23°/o ces charts of growing channels for financial serv i marketing departments. Within the next year, 91% of Mobile app marketing leaders in financial services will use or plan to 68% 23°/o use mobile apps (83% for SMS) , in addition to ramping Content marketing paid search and content marketing. up 70% 23°/o Native advertising/sponsored content 68% 22°/o Video advertising (e.g., You Tube) 68% 21°/o +31°/o Organic search 69% 19°/o Customer communities (e.g., online forums) 71% 19°/o +27°/o Advertising on social platforms • State of the Connected Customer survey, Salesforce Research, June 2016. Data may or may not be represented in the 74% 19°/o "State of the Connected Customer" report Display I ban ner ads 72% 19°/o Social media marketing 74% 19°/o Email marketing 75% 16°/o • Currently use • Plan to use within next 12 months •• Partial list Salesforce Research

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