Marketing Trends across Financial Services 12 Connecting the Customer Journey Influences Loyalty and Acquisition While marke ters may assume that a disconnected High-Performing Financial Marketers customer experience is merely an incon venience, Are Actively Mapping Their it has a measurable impact on loyalty. For instance, Customers' Journeys if an ins urance company's marke ting department is cordoned off from its service department, customers can sense the disconnect as they move across touch points. 7 °/o of consumers are likely to switch High Performers vs. companies if they rece ive inconsistent levels of serv ice Underperformers across departments.* 2.3x roo'e ·key to 8e mapp·ng {he custoroer jou r'ley across Leading marketing teams are aware of the link between t'le co"'lpa'ly consistency and loyalty, and are actively mapping the (e.g., soles, service, and marketing interactions) customer journey steps across their company. • High-performing financial services marketers • Moderate-performing financial services marketers • Underperforming financial services marketers • ·s{atc of the Connected Customer," Salesforce Resea rch, October 2016. Salesforce Research

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