Marketing Trends across Financial Services 09 Silos Stand in the Way of a Single Customer View Over the past 12-18 months, 58°/o of marketing leaders in financial services sectors say they've become more focused on creating a single view of the customer . In practice, this could mean insurance marketing leaders embracing new systems to give customer seNice, claims, and marketing visibility into a customer's history-and even prompting the next best cu stomer interaction, such as adding them to a policy renewal journey. Looking at specific financial seNices verticals, marketers in capital markets are most inclined to pursue a single customer vi ew, while those in wealth management lag behind. Percentage of Marketing Leaders Who Agree They've Been More Focused on Creating a Shared, Single View of the Customer over the Past 12-18 Months 7°/o 4 °/o of banking marketing leade rs of capital markets marketing leaders say they've been more focused on say they've been more focused on creating a shared, single view creating a shared, single view of the customer over the past of the customer over the past 12-18 months 12-18 months 1°/o 47°/o of insurance marke ting leaders of wea lth management and other say they've been more focused on financial services* marketing leaders creating a shared, single view say they've been more focused on of the customer over the past creating a shared, single view 12-18 months of the customer over the past 12-18 months • "Other financial services" includes survey respondents who identified as other financial services financial planners, investment managers, actuaries, and accountants). professionals (e.g., Salesforce Research

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