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Ethical Leadership and Business | 8 02 | Emerging Technology Pushes Ethics to the Forefront Machine learning, AI, and autonomous vehicles — among other emerging technologies — are no longer futuristic concepts. Instead, most people are actively witnessing their impacts on the world around them. Sixty- nine percent of consumers believe that emerging technologies are 52% of consumers say they’re more fundamentally changing how they live. worried about technology’s ethical issues . But perceptions of these emerging technologies aren’t universally positive than they were a year ago — nearly six in 10 say some emerging technologies are harming society. More than 90% of consumers list privacy threats, data leaks, misinformation, and surveillance as top concerns. Consumers Express Anxiety About the Potential Impact of Emerging Technologies Percentage of Consumers with Concerns That Emerging Technology Could Lead to the Following Privacy threats/ 97% data leaks Misinformation 93% 59% Surveillance 91% of consumers say some emerging technologies Job losses 88% are harming society Threats to 85% democracy Environmental 83% damage Increased/widened 77% inequality Includes answers of “very concerned” and “somewhat concerned.” Salesforce Research

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