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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS INCREMENTAL PROFIT FROM IMPROVED EMAIL Marketing Cloud enhanced the chief marketing JOURNEYS officer’s organization’s ability to communicate Evidence and data. Email persists as one of the with established patients effectively. They said: most important communication channels for “Because we’ve been able to streamline our marketing. Personalized customer engagement that emails, have increased the frequency of effectively engage customers build more value with messages. We’re now doing biweekly brands. Forrester defines personalization as an educational emails to stay in front of these experience that uses customer data and patients. Then, from a data standpoint with understanding to frame, guide, extend, and enhance Marketing Cloud, we are connecting with analytics so we can measure the return on the interactions based on that person’s history, 3 emails financially.” preferences, context, and intent. As interviewees expanded their customer • Automations that provided greater engagement efforts with new customers and consistency and content quality, improved expanded loyalty programs and communication email experiences, and delivered better next- across new channels as described in Benefit A, best actions. The marketing manager in the Marketing Cloud helped them build more relevant retail industry described helpful ways in which and engaging email experiences. Examples shared Marketing Cloud helped marketers segment and by interviewees included: automate criteria-based journeys. The • Increased personalization of communication, automations, combined with quality content, driving value from advanced segmentation. helped their franchise organization execute more The president of digital experiences in the retail consistent and effective email experiences. They industry described how Marketing Cloud enabled described the process and impacts: “That was a marketers to strategically improve email journeys big game changer from franchisees just trying to for customers. They explained: “In the past, we send email campaigns on their own [to] having us would have sent an email promotion to our entire send them on their behalf so they can spend time database. Now, we’ve segmented customers into focusing on other things.” many iterations by leveraging the unified data of The marketing manager in the retail industry customers, so [emails are] very relevant for each continued to report significant revenue impacts interaction. We’re stretching their behavior just a from near real-time product recommendations tad bit, driving higher average order value by and messages like automated abandoned cart upselling very relevant uses.” emails. They stated: “If someone clicks on an • Streamlined processes that increased abandoned cart email, their order value has frequency of specific campaigns and always been higher than just someone who’s impacted retention. The chief marketing officer shopping directly on the site without at the HLS company described the importance of personalization.” Specifically, they shared that regular, relevant communication for their patient personalized emails as part of journeys saw a 9% retention goals. Staying top-of-mind with patients conversion rate on emails with near real-time was paramount, especially because up to 80% of product recommendations, compared to up to 5% revenue came from existing patients and the cost for traditional emails outside of a personalized to acquire a new patient was eight-fold greater journey, and a $123 to $136 AOV, depending on than that to retain an established patient. the journey, up from the $100 e-commerce average.” THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 13

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 15 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 14 Page 16