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ANALYSIS OF COSTS DEPLOYMENT AND CHANGE MANAGEMENT • The chief marketing officer at the HLS company Evidence and data. The organizations incurred described an initial push requiring over one internal costs related to deployment labor, training, hundred hours of technical implementation to set and change management costs as part of the up Marketing Cloud Journeys. Marketing Cloud investment. Interviewees described • The marketing manager in the retail industry their experiences as follows: described their organization’s positive experience • The director of product marketing at the finance using different partners for ongoing support, to company described their organization’s data help with automation, and to troubleshoot support issues. They shared: “As far as partnering with a model implementation period: “We did not do one big global deployment; we went region by region. company to do implementation, we’ve had really It required at least three 2-hour discovery good success with that, especially with sessions involving 10 to 12 resources from Personalization.” internal agencies and the regional marketers. Modeling and assumptions. Based on the Inputs were taken to build the data model and interviewees’ experiences, Forrester assumes the meet the reporting needs for that particular following about the composite organization: region. It was then built out and the data from the channel for the historical 24 months was loaded. • The initial deployment period is nine weeks. That was then followed by trainings and go-live.” During that period, internal labor costs related to deployment include: • While the director of marketing operations at the digital marketing provider managed the change ▪ Project oversight from a fully dedicated management efforts internally, their organization project manager that equals 360 hours. bought Salesforce professional services to The fully burdened hourly rate for a implement Marketing Cloud Intelligence. While project manager is $58. this also required a series of discovery sessions ▪ Migration effort from five marketers fully to collect stakeholder requirements, the time to dedicated to deployment for the nine- value was quick. They said: “We were able to get week period that totals 1,800 hours. The the feature enhancements deployed and start average fully burdened marketer hourly using them out of the box within just a couple of rate is $43. weeks, which is a big deal when you’re ▪ Business and IT effort that equals 270 onboarding any new piece of any system. It was hours, or 1.5 resources fully dedicated to pretty fast.” deployment during the initial period. The • The director of marketing operations at the digital average fully burdened hourly rate of marketing provider described adoption efforts at business and IT deployment resources is their organization. They said: “All the change $50. management was done by my team. But the • Once deployed, the composite organization information covering what needs to be built, phases its marketer training and change stakeholder requirements, etc., those were management efforts. These efforts total $150, collected by data in discovery sessions.” and the composite ramps them to all 150 users by Year 2. THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 30

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 32 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 31 Page 33