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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS FLEXIBILITY The value of flexibility is unique to each customer. • The marketing manager in the retail industry said There are multiple scenarios in which a customer “We really learn about the new [Salesforce] might implement Marketing Cloud and later realize products and tools. Within the last five years, we additional uses and business opportunities, including: have been moving into some of the newer • Further expansion into the Salesforce technologies like Engagement and ecosystem. The chief marketing officer at the Personalization. We’ll be excited to get the HLS company shared how expanding the Customer Data Platform, where we can pull all of Marketing Cloud toolkit will help decrease the this legacy data from the data warehouse and our organization’s reliance on its business insights e-commerce site and pull that all together with team to query all its emails. They stated: “We’re the POS data. Then we will really be able to start trying to move away from that and implement the targeting.” Flexibility would also be quantified when evaluated as Marketing Cloud Customer Data Platform. We’re also going to implement Marketing Cloud part of a specific project (described in more detail in Personalization and Advertising (within Appendix A). Engagement). We feel like those would be the missing pieces to fully take advantage of all the potential that Marketing Cloud could provide.” • Expansion of use cases. Interviewees discussed different use cases of Marketing Cloud “Marketing Cloud will allow us to into which they wished to expand. The chief deploy all of our marketing marketing officer at the HLS company discussed potentially using Marketing Cloud for internal activities at scale. My favorite corporate communications and to recruit HLS part is that there are really no providers to grow the practice. technology limitations when it • The director of marketing operations in the retail comes to Salesforce. It’s the industry shared: “There are some other areas most robust platform I’ve ever that we want to further integrate with Marketing used. The sky is the limit.” Cloud, such as our loyalty program and our website. We could take segments from Marketing Chief marketing officer, HLS Cloud and personalize on our web and mobile app. We want to get more out of artificial intelligence and machine learning, and then further integrate it to our other experiences.” THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 27

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 29 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 28 Page 30