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ANALYSIS OF BENEFITS INCREMENTAL PROFIT FROM IMPROVED Modeling and assumptions. Based on the WEBSITE ENGAGEMENT interviewees’ experiences, Forrester assumes the Evidence and data. Website visits serve as an following about the composite organization: inflection point on the customer journey. Unique visits • In the prior environment, the composite serve as a strong indicator of effective customer organization averaged 10 million unique site engagement at points throughout the customer visitors annually, converted 2.5% of all website journey as noted in Benefits A and B. Successful visitors to make a purchase, and had an AOV of marketing efforts across channels brought customers $50. to websites. Marketing Cloud significantly enhanced customer behavior at the point of transition from • After deploying Marketing Cloud, the composite interested to engaged. Interviewees shared the organization: following examples of Marketing Cloud’s impact on ▪ Increased the site conversion rate by website engagement: 25%, 45%, and 60% in Years 1, 2, and 3, • Increase in website conversions. The chief respectively. marketing officer at the HLS company shared ▪ Increased average order value for website their goals to convert website visits to online visitors by 15%, 25%, and 35% in Years appointment requests. In the prior environment, 1, 2, and 3, respectively. the team averaged 290 goal conversions monthly. With Marketing Cloud, the monthly goal • The composite organization’s operating margin is conversions rose to an average of 1,500, 10%. reaching as many as 2,100 leads in some • Forrester considers 50% of the value of this months. In addition, estimated revenue from goal benefit a direct result of the Salesforce conversions also grew significantly. They investment. This estimate accounts for other reported: “Marketing Cloud increased our changes that take place during the three years capability to reach out to our patients and engage under analysis, including macroeconomic factors with them. It definitely helped increase our and other investments in technology, people, and requested appointment value.” process. • Personalized recommendations improved website experience, which increased conversion value and decreased abandonment. According to the marketing manager in the retail industry, “We have seen a per-user Marketing Cloud facilitated higher quality revenue increase in the last customer engagement and built stronger couple of months of about 40% customer value than what was possible with the for some experiences. Cart prior environment. For example, they shared how abandonment experiences have their organization launched personalized cart a conversion rate of 60% while recommendations with Marketing Cloud. They the exit intent pop-up journey stated: “Those who clicked into the experience has a 24% conversion rate.” have a 30% higher average order value than those who don’t.” Marketing manager, retail THE TOTAL ECONOMIC IMPACT™ OF SALESFORCE MARKETING CLOUD 16

The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud  - Page 18 The Total Economic Impact of Salesforce Marketing Cloud Page 17 Page 19