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3. Score Buyer Behavior Nurturing leads is the act of growing relationships with potential buyers by Custom Redirect Click 3 points Page View 1 point sending them resources that are truly Email Open 0 points Site Search Query 3 points valuable to them. But to do this, you need to understand how engaged your Form Error 3 points Social Message Link Clock 0 points buyer is. And to do that, you need to use scoring. Form Handler Error -5 points Third Party Click 3 points Scoring measures how interested a Form Handler Submission -5 points Tracker Link Click 50 points prospect is in your products. To score Form Submission 0 points your buyer, your marketing automation 50 points Video Conversion system can apply each buyer a score Landing Page Error -5 points Video Play 25 points depending on how they interact with you (usually 1—100+). Landing Page Success 50 points Video Watched 75%+ 3 points As prospects interact with you, they Olark Chat 10 points Visitor Session 50 points accumulate points. Scores can help you assess the value of your content Opportunity Created 50 points Webinar Attended 50 points and whether leads are interested in Opportunity Lost -100 points Webinar Invited 10 points talking to sales. It’s important to note that you can create additional scoring Opportunity Won 0 points Webinar Registered 25 points categories for multiple products.

The B2B Marketer's Guide to Winning Customers and Providing Success - Page 12 The B2B Marketer's Guide to Winning Customers and Providing Success Page 11 Page 13