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State of the Connected Customer 02 Companies Face a New Connected Mandate 10 Today’s customers want to be understood Connected Customers Demand Connected Journeys and respected as individuals. Eighty-four percent of customers say being treated like a person, not a number, is very important Percentage of Customers Who Say the Following Are Very Important to Winning Their Business to winning their business. All Customers Consumers Business Buyers For teams accustomed to owning only one stage of the customer journey, it’s a tricky proposition. Customers judge companies Connected processes based on their experience as a whole — not 67% just interactions with individual departments 84% 70% — and they expect consistency. 83% 75% 70% of customers Understanding how they say connected 84% use products/services processes — such as 67% of customers 70% seamless handoffs say being treated like a person, not a number, is very 76% or contextualized important to winning engagement based on their business earlier interactions — Instant, on-demand engagement are very important to 63% winning their business. 66% 73% Today’s customers seek contextualized experiences — meaning their engagement with a company reflects an understanding of past actions, product usage, and a myriad of other factors. Yet, 37% of customers feel less connected to companies than they did two years ago. Salesforce Research

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