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SPOTLIGHT StaStatte oe of the Cf the Conneconnectted Ced Cuuststomeromer 99 B2B Expectations Mirror B2C Standards Naturally, business buyers also have personal Business Buyer Expectations Get Consumerized lives as consumers — and their expectations as consumers have seeped into their Percentage of Business Buyers Who Agree with the Following professional world. I expect vendors to personalize 82% of business buyers engagement to my needs 72% want the same experience as when they’re buying I expect Amazon-like buying experiences 69% for themselves. I think vendors are providing more retail-like experiences than ever before 67% At a time when personalized recommendations, I have switched vendors for a more proactive engagement, and deeply relevant consumer-like experience 67% content are table stakes, more than seven in See appendix page 44 for generational breaks. 10 business buyers expect vendors to personalize engagement to their needs. And for 84% of business buyers, trust is a critical factor in choosing vendors. To put a fine point on this convergence of B2C and B2B worlds, 69% of business buyers expect an Amazon-like business buying experience. However, only 27% of business buyers say companies generally excel at meeting their standards for an overall experience, signaling ample room for improvement. SalesforSalesforcce Re Researesearchch

State of  the Connected Customer - Page 9 State of the Connected Customer Page 8 Page 10