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State of the Connected Customer 03 Technology Sets New Benchmarks for Innovation 15 In recent years, the word “innovation” has Innovation Comes Standard for the Connected Customer been everywhere — but actually delivering it is a different story. A new crop of Percentage of Customers Who Agree with the Following capabilities, such as AI, continues to raise the bar on what’s seen as innovative. And All Customers Consumers Business Buyers for a majority of customers, innovation impacts purchasing habits. 59% 56% percent of customers I expect companies to provide new products/ 63% services more frequently than ever before 71% (including 66% of business buyers) actively 64% seek to buy from the most innovative companies. It takes more for a company to impress me 66% with new products/services than ever before 72% There was a time when the mere presence I actively seek to buy from the most 50% on a social channel or existence of a mobile innovative companies (i.e., those that app would satisfy demands — but no more. consistently introduce new products/services 56% Fifty-nine percent of customers say companies based on customer needs and new technology) 66% need cutting-edge digital experiences to keep their business. 71% of customers say they buy products and services they didn’t know would exist five years ago. SalesforSalesforcce Re Researesearchch

State of  the Connected Customer - Page 15 State of the Connected Customer Page 14 Page 16