A Data-Driven Sales Playbook Emerges State of Sales 12 02 When it comes to lead prioritization, salespeople Salespeople Seek Guidance to Prioritize Precious Time put the most stock in understanding the nuances of a prospect’s relationship with their company. Detailed knowledge of a customer’s past or existing relationship is viewed as the most helpful insight, but hardly the only one. Reps also place high value on insights like estimated revenue from an opportunity and Percentage of Salespeople Who View the Following Insights as Helpful at likelihood for add-on business that could tip Prioritizing Leads and Opportunities the scale in making one opportunity more of a priority than another. Past or existing relationship with our company 80% All this points to an overall focus on the value of leads, rather than the volume, a sharp Estimated revenue 77% departure from the traditional sales and marketing dynamic. Business insights (e.g., growth, initiatives, news, etc.) 77% Likelihood for add-on business/ propensity to buy more 75% Decision makers involved 75% Reference value 70% Estimated deal cycle time 63% Deal complexity 58% Base: Sales representatives, executives, and managers Salesforce Research

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