STABILIZE Use this time to develop and execute a plan to support your employees’ How You Work wellbeing, while ensuring they can stay productive in new environments. Prioritize their physical and psychological safety. You’ll likely have to rethink processes, tools, and technology as you evolve your traditional ways of working. Define and execute Rebuild employee Support employee stabilize work plan. productivity. wellness. Create a “Crisis Taskforce and Response” Ensure connectivity for remote employees with Clarify assistance programs and resources V2MOM focused on employee safety, secure email, VPN, and web conferencing. available to employees (childcare, financial productivity, and wellness. planning, mental health). Streamline workflows and automate Segment workforce to enable clear and inefficient human processes (billing, order Create regular cadence of storytelling with targeted communications. tracking, etc.) to remove friction. insights and tips from employees, experts, and customers. Clearly communicate the plan, tailored to Implement training for new tools and each segment, ensuring steady and frequent processes, including decision support and Establish employee help portal to provide situation updates, new policies, and guidance. virtual collaboration. access to all services (IT, HR, finance, etc.); identify and prioritize new offerings based Make it easy to provide feedback, through Provide tips and training on how to on query analytics. multiple, low-friction channels (respond to best communicate with customers and employee questions, feedback, and ideas). colleagues (e.g., build empathy and provide active listening). Reinforce leadership visibility and transparency with regular virtual all-hands meetings. The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 15

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