STABILIZE How You Engage Even as you’re stabilizing your business, you can connect with and support your customers, partners, and suppliers. Establish where and how Customers, Partners, you’re available to communicate with them, and consider introducing new and Suppliers services or products that will especially help in their new context. Rapidly engage priority Realign value propositions to Optimize your digital customers. customer priorities. engagement model. Set up remote call center to respond to Rapidly innovate products and services to Increase performance of existing digital increased inbound service demands. better meet immediate customer needs. channels to generate greater scale and response effectiveness. Engage customers in priority order on Shift messaging to be more human, the basis of (i) need, (ii) customer lifetime empathetic, and personalized to crisis needs. Focus human effort on highest need cases, value score, (iii) fast ROI. using self-service channels, predetermined Resegment customer base by crisis-driven traffic routing rules, and automation. Reduce friction in existing deal cycles using needs and lifetime value score. all levers possible. Help suppliers and partners optimize for Cocreate business continuity plans with emerging offerings through communities Listen at scale to customers and partners partners and suppliers to streamline operations. and portals. through digital roundtables to learn emerging customer needs and share best practices. Monitor social channels and respond quickly Leverage service case data to identify on real-time conversations. customer experience improvements. Define and publish FAQ pages for all stakeholders. The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 16

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