REOPEN Overview of Recommendations Review this graphic for an overview of what your reopen priorities should be for each customer-centric capability. Then, for each capability, review the checklist for considerations and possible actions to take with your team. PLAN AND ORCHESTRATE A RETURN TO THE WORKPLACE HOW YOU MAKE HOW YOU HOW YOU ENGAGE HOW YOU DECISIONS WORK CUSTOMERS SERVE SOCIETY Establish a workplace Execute staged Deeply understand Demonstrate empathy command center. reopen work plan. changing customer needs. within your community. Build a team and mobile command Cascade plan, targeting Deepen listening programs to Empower and enable teams to serve center. Gather key data to help communications according to needs identify evolving buying and service local needs and form local partnerships. with planning. Partner to resolve and situation. Review and adopt experience needs. Invest in and communicate impact tough questions. workforce protection regulations. locally and transparently. Rebuild trust through Define holistic plan. Enable employees with personalized experiences. Operationalize your Build a unified plan to get back to tools for the new paradigm. Redesign simpler, more personalized, culture of giving. work, defining mobilization, logistics, Activate multiple channels for and more automated experiences. Programmatize volunteer and support. Establish overall employees to get information through Enable employees with training management and expand grant workplace policies, especially around portals and training, provide feedback and scripts. management. Commit to equality- COVID-proofing and containment (for example, through a hotline), and enhancing programs. reactivation. get help through wellness tools. Cultivate robust Unify feedback and ecosystem resilience. Double down on sustainability Return to the workplace as you emerge from the crisis. decision-making. with greater flexibility. Deepen partner and supplier relationships through enhanced Establish sustainability as a key decision Instrument the return to work with Enable increased work flexibility, collaboration, playbooks, and factor in all post-crisis investments, a single source of truth, augment including staggered shifts. Take processes. including real estate. insights through multiple feedback account of parental needs. Optimize loops, and communicate liberally. hiring and skills decisions. The COVID-19 Response Playbook | 20

Salesforce: The COVID-19 Response Playbook - Page 20 Salesforce: The COVID-19 Response Playbook Page 19 Page 21