Become a nurturing expert. As you begin to master the planning and implementation of nurturing campaigns, you can start to craft truly exceptional nurturing experiences. Just remember to stick to the following best practices. • Segment your audience for greater personalization. • Present a clear value proposition to facilitate action. • focus your message and offer to add value for your prospects at every touchpoint. Combining these advanced techniques with some of your own tricks will result in nurturing IMPROve eMAIL effICIenCY. campaigns that not only improve the customer experience, but contribute to your bottom line This e-book walks you through the entire as well. process of creating effective, targeted emails — from planning and designing to sending and The worksheets and checklists included in this optimizing — in six straightforward steps. chapter will help you identify the channels and strategies you need to get the most out of your nurturing programs. Skip ahead to chapter four GET FREE E-BOOK to learn more about supplementing your lead nurturing efforts with effective email marketing.

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