wORKSHEET THREE Campaign Planning, Part I SALeS CYCLe STAGeS AUDIenCe ROLeS MAPPInG YOUR COnTenT Defining the stages of your sales Who are the major influencers in each stage should have content that cycle will help you tailor your a purchasing decision? Define and fits your audiences’ needs best. campaigns to a buyer’s journey. understand each one. STAGe AUDIenCe MAP YOUR COnTenT There may be more or fewer than six. There may be more or fewer than six. Choose the pieces of content that you would like to include in your nurture program. 1. ______________________ 1. _____________________ WeeK One: _______________________ 2. ______________________ 2. _____________________ WeeK TWO: _______________________ 3. ______________________ 3. _____________________ WeeK THRee: ______________________ 4. ______________________ 4. _____________________ WeeK fOUR: ______________________ 5. ______________________ 5. _____________________ WeeK fIve: _______________________ 6. ______________________ 6. ______________________ WeeK SIX: ________________________ 30 / Pardot

Salesforce: The Complete Guide to B2B Marketing Page 29 Page 31