wORKSHEET FOUR Campaign Planning, Part II THe CAMPAIGn Define the steps of your nurturing campaign and how you will proceed if the prospect takes action. TITLe: TARGeT AUDIenCe: STAGe Of THe SALeS CYCLe: THe CAMPAIGn STePS Record the basics of your campaign. ACTIOn: ACTIOn: ACTIOn: PAUSe: DAYS PAUSe: DAYS PAUSe: DAYS ACTIOn TAKen? YeS nO ACTIOn TAKen? YeS nO ACTIOn TAKen? YeS nO fOLLOW- fOLLOW- fOLLOW- UP: UP: UP: 31 / Pardot

Salesforce: The Complete Guide to B2B Marketing Page 30 Page 32