Luckily, the following tips can help you optimize your opt-in), where recipients confirm the opt-in via email deliverability right from the start. email after the initial form submission or contact. Confirmed opt-ins verify that email addresses are Start out right. If you’re just getting started with a valid, keeping bounce rates low and safeguarding new domain name, it’s important to warm up your against spam traps being added to your permanent IP address before sending high volume emails. All IP lists. addresses start out “cold.” They need to be warmed up by gradually increasing sending volume, usually over Make opt-outs easy and fast. even when recipients the course of two to six weeks. This is an important have explicitly given permission to receive emails, step in your email strategy. Sending an email to every they often forget that they have done so — and may prospect in your database right off the bat can raise turn to the spam button in a moment of frustration. some major red flags for spam monitors. Having clear and easy opt-outs is the number one way to ensure that you don’t get reported as spam. Begin by using only your best lists to build up your You’re not doing yourself any favors by continuing reputation, and try to send under 5,000 emails a day to send emails to people who don’t want to receive for the first week. Starting out at this rate allows you them. An opt-out won’t hurt your reputation, but to monitor for issues that may arise from initial sends being reported as spam will. With many marketing on cold IPs — without having all of your emails bounce. automation platforms, a recipient who opts out will from here, plan out a gradual and steady ramp-up to automatically be removed from your list, but if you final sending volume numbers. are not using a system that does this automatically, make sure you are regularly updating and quickly Use active opt-ins or confirmed opt-ins. When getting opt-outs off your lists. it comes to obtaining permission for email communication, it’s a good idea to go beyond CAn- Be clear. Be consistent. This may seem like common SPAM laws — meaning a passive opt-in doesn’t cut it. sense, but don’t go two weeks without sending an Whenever you’re collecting information for the purpose email and then send three in one day. If possible, let of sending an email, include a checkbox and clearly your recipients known upon sign-up what you will outline what type of communication can be expected. be sending them and when — and then stick to this To thoroughly cover your bases, consider using a schedule. (Better yet, let them choose how often confirmed opt-in process (also known as a double they receive your emails.) not only does this make 35 / Pardot

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