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wORKSHEET SIx The Email Deliverability Checklist Many email deliverability best practices are common sense, but it helps to have an overview to review from time to time. Use the following checklist to make sure you’re continually following deliverability best practices. Warm up your IP address. If you start sending Choose your words carefully. Conduct some very high volume emails right off the bat from a simple research: go to your own spam folder and brand new domain address, you risk ending up look for words that reappear often in subject lines. on blacklists before you even get started. Start familiarize yourself with these spammy terms and small and gradually ramp up your efforts. steer clear of them in your own emails, or run tests on your emails to help identify problem areas. Use active and confirmed opt-ins. Having clear, Be clear. Be consistent. Make sure recipients active opt-ins is the best way to protect your understand what they will be receiving upon email reputation. furthermore, confirmed opt- subscribing, and stick to a consistent, defined ins help to ensure that your recipients don’t schedule. never use misleading subject lines. forget they subscribed and mark you as spam. Make opt-outs easy. An unsubscribe won’t hurt Clean your lists regularly. High bounce rates your deliverability score, but being reported as caused by invalid or misspelled email addresses spam will. Make your opt-outs clear, easy to find, can hurt your email reputation, so regularly and fast to protect your reputation. maintain your lists to remove these. 42 / Pardot

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