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SALESFORSALESFORCE FUTURESCE FUTURES Anticipating Personal Agents Three questions about personal AI futures We think personal AI agents might just change the world, in time. It’s a big claim, we know. To get to that point personal agents will need to meet three criteria for breakthrough innovation — feasibility, desirability, and viability. In other words, they’ll need to be able to technically deliver certain capabilities, those capabilities will need to enable offerings that people want, and it’ll need to be worth someone’s while to deliver that, i.e. there’s a business model. None of those things are certain. In this article, we’ll lay out possible paths from where we are today, which we’ll then selectively bring to life in the speculative futures that follow. With the rapid pace of change in AI today, it’s really hard to identify the key drivers of change, let alone make accurate predictions. Our hope is that the framework we lay out helps readers sense-make their way through the torrent of new developments we’ll see in the coming months and years. ISSUE 1: PERSONAL AI | 7

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