SALESFORCE FUTURES Welcome circles have a sense of either what it will In subsequent quarterly issues, we’ll take to deliver them or the impact they examine other possible impacts of might have on our lives, both as individuals AI on business, work, and society. and for the businesses that serve us. Oh and back to the yet-to-be-named As personal AI becomes more mainstream, paradigm: in our main article, we use we believe digital intermediaries will the term agents as it’s most widely remake the relationship between used in the technical literature. In customers and companies. How do you the speculative futures section of the advertise your offerings in such a world? magazine, we conjure other possible Will future users instruct their agents to ways of identifying personal AIs. block all forms of sponsored interruption, The Salesforce Futures Magazine is our bar a few trusted brands? Will personal newest way to help you take an organized agents negotiate with company agents like look at plausible and possible futures. those being built by and Parcha? We hope it inspires ideas, questions, and What does a customer relationship conversations, and we look forward to strategy look like in this kind of future? engaging with you on it. Drop us a line at It’s a good time to ask such questions. [email protected]. Imagine if, in 2006, you’d known how the combination of search, mobile apps and The Salesforce Futures team social media would revolutionize how businesses connected to their customers. We may be on the precipice of a similar moment of change. Now is the time to start to understand the contours and implications of this shift, before it arrives. In this first issue, we dive into these new personal AI creations, take a careful look at what needs to happen to make them a reality, and imagine a range of plausible near futures shaped by their presence. The goal is to help you explore personal AI futures so you can start asking better questions, and perhaps even making better decisions, today. ISSUE 1: PERSONAL AI | 3