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LOOKING AHEAD TO MARKETING SUCCESS: THE DATA-DRIVEN REVOLUTION Regardless of how well they’re doing at achieving their goals, the top Marketers Who Seek to Improve the Following area marketers want to improve in 2020 is growth. Over the Next Year Marketers are already making progress in transforming their Driving revenue growth and campaign KPI 58% organizational cultures to drive growth. This progress is due in part performance Deeper insights into audiences, content, 54% from senior-level support, as well as investments in marketing and offers analytics technology and alignment on what KPIs matter most. A Creating a strategic view of our overall 52% marketing performance successful growth marketing strategy is not the outcome of the right Optimizing marketing spend (repurposed and 52% people, processes, or technologies independently, but instead an reallocated) Better ability to understand and engage 49% alignment of all three. With an understanding of key growth priorities customers and challenges, combined with leadership support, investment, and Efficiency of data management and 44% preparation an aligned measurement strategy, marketers are poised to see big Access to real-time data for faster 38% gains in growth marketing success in 2020 and beyond. decision-making Marketers Claiming Excellent Progress in the Following There's a huge push [to create] a data and Elements of Data-Driven Organizational Culture analytics culture, and it feels like the future. It's certainly being driven from the top. 49% “ Support from executive leadership — Global Director, Strategy + Innovation, Agency Investment in marketing analytics platform/ technology 44% Alignment on KPI, metrics, and taxonomy 42% across teams, regions, and partners Tracking ROI across each marketing investment 41% Cross-team/business unit collaboration in understanding 39% analytics reporting and using it to support decision-making Democratization of marketing analytics (employees are able 33% to understand and ask questions about data across roles) Excellent is de昀椀ned as self-assessments of 8, 9, or 10 on a ten-point scale 20

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