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Ethical Leadership and Business | 15 Ethical Leadership and Business | 15 Last Look Four Ways Companies Can Lead and Impact Society As we enter a new era of technology, consumers see a mandate for ethical leadership and business. Here are steps that companies can take to adapt to their changing role in society, strengthen customer loyalty, attract and retain top talent, and empower the workforce of the future. 1. Put Purpose at the Center of Your Business 3. Diversify Technology Development Increasingly, people expect companies to use their power for Consumers want to be part of the technology product lifecycle positive change — 93% of consumers say companies have and have their voices heard. Diverse voices help create products a responsibility to look beyond profit and exert a positive and solutions that are ultimately better suited to the broader impact on society. Companies can start by asking how their population needs. Sixty-five percent of consumers believe actions impact all stakeholders. that diverse perspectives in technology development result in better products. Businesses can do this by creating diverse 2. Cultivate an Ethical Mindset and inclusive workforces. Companies that lead with ethics are more appealing to potential employees and customers. Eighty-six percent of 4. Empower the Future Workforce consumers say they would be more loyal to companies that As technology progresses, 92% of consumers believe that demonstrate better ethics. One way companies can show a companies have a responsibility to prepare young people for commitment to ethics is by assembling a diverse advisory board the impact of emerging technologies on jobs — and 96% say for input and accountability. Seventy percent of consumers the same for the existing workforce. Companies can empower believe companies should have ethics advisory boards to help everyone for careers in a technology-driven world through support the development of their tech products. workforce development initiatives. Seventy-six percent of consumers believe there should be more nontraditional paths to technology careers. SalesforSalesforcce Re Researesearchch

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