Ethical Leadership and Business | 12 03 | New Opportunities Arise for Companies to Make a Difference Many consumers are worried about Consumers Worry About Unequal Access unequal access to opportunity in the Fourth to Tech-Associated Opportunities Industrial Revolution — particularly for those who traditionally have been marginalized Percentage of Consumers Who Are Concerned About Access to Technology’s or disenfranchised. Opportunities Among the Following Groups At least two-thirds of consumers indicate People with disabilities some level of concern about whether 86% people with disabilities, of low socio- economic status, in rural locations, and People of low socio-economic status underrepresented minorities — among 85% other groups — are being afforded the People in rural locations same opportunities from emerging 81% technologies as others. Underrepresented minorities As with human rights, these concerns 80% are more common among historically Women disenfranchised groups. Seventy-three percent of women, for example, are 73% concerned about their own access to Myself emerging technology opportunities, 67% compared to 60% of men. For underrepresented minorities, that figure People in urban locations jumps to 81%, compared to 60% 67% of Caucasians. Includes answers of “very concerned” and “somewhat concerned.” Salesforce Research

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