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program languages and configuration rules. But by Now, using Salesforce CPQ, reps create quotes my second or third week at Nimble Storage, I was seamlessly, quickly, and even remotely with zero fear of easily configuring products using Salesforce CPQ.” data-entry snafus, processing errors, or missed pricing updates. Plus, the complaints that managers had More Accurate Quoting been accustomed to hearing about the cumbersome For Nimble Storage, quoting hasn’t just gotten faster quoting process have totally disappeared. and easier, it’s also gotten more accurate. Before “Salesforce CPQ eliminated all of our dual processes. Now Salesforce CPQ, one in every five quotes created that quoting is tied directly to Salesforce, our quoting manually contained errors in pricing, configuration, tool is always automatically in sync with our verified or account information. With Salesforce CPQ, the numbers,” said Chopra. accuracy of product configuration options in quotes rose to nearly 100 percent at Nimble Storage, even as Time Savings Through Automation reps created multiple quotes. The business development benefits of Salesforce CPQ According to Chopra, “Configuration errors are now are invaluable to Nimble Storage. Using a quoting tool almost nonexistent due to the rules put in place by that works in perfect harmony with Salesforce not only Salesforce’s product configuration engine.” streamlines customer quotes, but also automates discounting and forecasting, and enhances visibility Streamlined Quoting Process and into sales rep behaviors. Nimble Storage can now easily Foolproof Conversion see the specific products and packages that reps offer Prior to using Salesforce CPQ, transitioning quotes customers, and which solutions are most successful. to sales orders required a complex set of manual What’s more, Salesforce CPQ has allowed Nimble steps. First, sales reps would generate quotes with Storage reps the freedom to quote on-the-fly. Rather About Nimble Storage a spreadsheet-based tool on their local drives, then than being tethered to their computers to create and switch to another tab and attempt to create sales email quotes, reps can now access the system using The mission of Nimble Storage is to give its orders by duplicating the data. The order-entry their mobile devices. This streamlines the approval customers the most efficient storage platform administrators then had to copy and paste the data process for managers, and allows them to submit on the market. Since launching its first flash- from each field into the ERP system, validate the sales orders to the ERP system electronically. optimized storage products in 2010, over 2,000 information against Salesforce product and pricing customers have benefitted from Nimble Storage’s data, and finally, close out the information. All of that Chopra notes that “for our admins, the order entry award-winning products, integrated data keying dramatically increased the chance of errors, process has decreased from roughly twenty minutes to protection, and world-class support. Its unique, as little as two minutes per quote.” hybrid storage systems integrate the exceptional which meant that reps had to keep their eyes on performance of flash with the favorable spreadsheet, CRM, and ERP data. economics of high-capacity hard disk drives. This hybrid solution provides adaptive performance and scalable capacity for storing and protecting today’s critical business applications. | 6

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