Page Introduction: What Is Customer 360 Table of 04 Transformation and Why Now? Chapter 1: Understand the Importance Contents 06 of Changing Mindsets in Your Organization Chapter 2: Design Customer-Centric 09 Business Processes You might be wondering: Chapter 3: Build One Team Around What makes this playbook different from 12 the Customer everything else on this topic? We’re offering this guidance based on what Chapter 4: Move to the Leanest Possible Salesforce has learned from thousands of working 14 Technology Stack sessions and projects with C-suite leaders over our 21-year history. Across industries and functions, we’ve found the core challenges are the same — and Chapter 5: Sense and Respond to Customers, so are the key questions to ask your teams as you 17 Now and in the Future drive a customer-first revolution. 20 Conclusion and How to Learn More The Customer 360 Playbook 03

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