Foreword Conventional attitudes, silos, and legacy Our work with thousands of C-suite systems often stand between leaders and leaders from organizations of all sizes and A note from customer centricity. And while technology industries has uncovered patterns of what Bret Taylor can help, that alone is not the answer. it takes for successful companies to get Simply applying new technology to old ways it right as they evolve to be more of doing things won’t magically change the customer-centric. way your teams deliver a great customer Whether you’re a CEO in financial services, For years, I’ve heard business leaders experience at scale. a CIO in B2B tech, or another leader ready discuss the need to digitally transform to make meaningful change, I hope this and achieve a holistic view of the Transformation happens when leaders playbook helps you bring the customer customer. Lately, I’ve found those stop focusing internally on technology, closer to the center of your business. discussions to be even more urgent. products, departments, or systems — and Realistically, though, it’s not about being recenter around their customers. Bret Taylor a digital company or even a digitally transformed company. Every company Easy to say, harder to do. We hope this President and Chief Product Officer, needs to be a customer company. playbook helps you confidently lead change. Salesforce The Customer 360 Playbook 02